Sunday, March 25, 2012


My sister was about to have her baby (more on that soon Smile) and she was nesting.  Somehow it rubbed off on me and I suddenly felt the compelling need to de-junk and organize and clean.  (thankfully that is the only thing that rubbed off on me.  I am happy to be the aunt from here on out!)

So I started the daunting task.  We went through every drawer of the girls, all of the closet items and sorted through shoes.  We cleaned under beds and on top of dressers.  I went through Cooper and Cassidy’s closet and I cleaned out the play room, enlisting the girls help in some of the decision making.  And everything was clean.

For one day.

Walking into their bedroom or peaking into the playroom you would think, “Hmm.  This place needs to be picked up.”

I was irritated about it all week.  So when Saturday rolled around again, I decided enough was enough.

We have 3 rooms for the kids.  Allie and Kara and Coop and Cass each shared a room and we had one play room.  We did away with having a dedicated play room and we moved Kara into that room. C & C had  empty space in their room and A & K were busting at the seams. 

This time, we did a major toy sort.  If they didn’t LOVE it or if it was missing something, it was time to part with it.

We completely re-arranged Coop and Cass’s room and brought the remainder toys in there.

10 bags and 1 Saturday later,  I have CLEAN bedrooms!


It is much easier to keep things clean now.  Everything has a place to go.  If you were to look right now you’d see a few things out of place, I mean- they are kids, but there so much less stuff that its ok.  And it only takes 2 seconds to get it right back in shape.

Love it!


Amy Rindy said...

Glad I could rub off. At least pregnancy is not contagious though. :) I want to see a pic of the finished rooms now - don't leave us hanging!

Michele Garvin said...

Yippee! I want to take some credit for all the years I had to practically FORCE you to dejunk. Yeah it finally sunk in. Good job honey!

Tracy Garvin said...

Way to go Charlene! Now I just need that much motivation to blog! haha I bet it feels nice having it all cleared out!