Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dead Batteries and Pop Tarts

Apparently my car battery is trying to tell me something.  Either its telling me that we shouldn’t leave the lights on in the car anymore, or that its time to replace it.  In this case, its probably both things.

The battery was dead on the car again last week.  It was 3 pm and I was trying to leave to pick up the girls from school.  Luckily I called two people and I was able to arrange for the girls to get a ride home.  I wasn’t too worried because we have lots of experience with jumping cars and I knew that Paul would be getting home in a few hours. 

That night we jumped the car and Paul drove it to Albertsons to make sure it charged enough (and to get Klondike bars- curse him!).  I was grateful he was home and we could charge it because he was leaving to go out of town early the next morning.

So the next morning, Allie and I get in the car to go to early morning choir and what do you know- the battery was dead.  I ended up calling 6 people before my brother in law agreed to come help me.  (I talked to everyone else later and they were all willing to help to – but like I said, it was early and they didn’t hear their phones)

Allie missed choir but we were able to get the car going to get them to school before the tardy bell rang, so that was good.

I was worried about turning the car off because obviously it had issues.  Paul had just jumped it the night before and it was dead again in the morning.  So Cooper and Cassidy and I went straight to Sam’s Club.  They were able to take the car back right away. 

It had been such a hectic morning that I didn’t have time to feed Cooper and Cassidy breakfast.  Now that we were just sitting and waiting they were hungry.  So we had an impromptu breakfast out….right in the food court of Sam’s Club.  Our breakfast consisted of bananas and pop tarts and the kids loved it. 

I found this jump-your-own-battery-without-another-car thing and I bought it instantly.  And I got a new battery in the car, so I am all set!  I feel much better knowing I have options no matter what time of day!

Coop and Cass thought the new battery was just as cool as I did!IMAG0653

1 comment:

Michele Garvin said...

Honey, my heart goes out to you. I remember oh too well this happening to me as a mom and as a grandma with that very van of yours! Good thing you have a new battery.