Saturday, August 11, 2012

One fell off…..

Several weeks ago we finally bit the bullet and took of the sides of Cooper and Cassidy’s cribs.  I know, I know…… they are only 3 and a half.  I should’ve left them in till they were 5!

This is the longest we have ever kept our kids in cribs.  Both of the girls were out around the age of 2.  But this has been the easiest transfer ever!  They are old enough to totally understand the concept of staying in their bed and we have had no real issues.

Except for one thing.

Cooper has a tendency to fall out while he is sleeping.

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And he sleeps right through it.  We pick him back up and put him in his crib and he never even knows it!


He is always in the strangest positions. 

His head is under the bed with just the top of his face peeking out.

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It has become quite an experience checking on him each night.

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All the while Cassidy sleeps right across the room from him with no issues.


I especially love how she is sleeping with all of her bracelets on!

But the best one yet was just last week.  Paul was headed out really early and peeked in on the kids.  This is what he found.

2012-08-05 06.16.10

I don’t know how Coop managed this one!

But he always has had the talent for sleeping in strange positions.

IMG_5678Look at those chubby cheeks! 


Friday, August 10, 2012

How to enjoy the summer in Las Vegas.

If you are luckily enough to have one of these….


you are definitely ahead of the game. Luckily we have great family and friends who take pity on us and let us cool off from the heat.

But we can’t always drop in for a little dip in the pool so we have to make do around here.

We have a nice backyard but with temperatures hitting 111 degrees, its hard to want to play out there.  The only time that it is bearable is the evening time.

The other night we spent the evening playing Frisbee out back.  And even though it was still hot, it was actually an enjoyable evening with the family.

Paul brought home a bunch of extra Frisbees and the kids tried their hardest to figure out how to throw and catch them.  This proved to be kind of difficult for their little hands.



Especially with your little brother hanging around!



This one went right past her fingers.

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So Close!




(I really should have adjusted my camera settings….the light was fading so fast and the kids were running around so fast. It was hard to capture it with out a lot of grain or blur. But I’m glad I have these memories even without spot on pics of it.)


Everything was going great and then suddenly….

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The sprinklers came on!




We all had a good laugh and thought it was funny.

…….Except Coop!


He was not happy that he was stranded at the back of the yard.  What’s funny to me is that because that boy loves to wear multiple layers of clothes, he actually had his swim shirt on underneath his Car’s shirt.  He was technically the most prepared for the situation!

His wonderful sisters braved the wet conditions and came to his rescue. I think they were just happy to have an excuse to go through them again.


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I guess this is just one more way we can enjoy the backyard!
