Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Round Two

Cooper and Cassidy had to wait about a week after the ‘sisters’ started school until it was their turn. 

They had seemed reluctant to the idea of going to preschool when we started talking about it 6 months ago.  Over time and because of seeing some of their friends starting to go, the idea grew on them.  We were able to go to a meet the teacher day and a picture day before school started.  This was really great because they got to see the space and figure out where things were while I was still there. 

So by the time it was the first day, we were very excited.  (note the use of the word we- yes, I was VERY excited too.)

I just love how 3 year olds try so hard to smile!



Oh!  They are so big!


Coop make sure to tell me that he didn’t cry at all.  He is so brave! (when he has his sister around.)


It is still hard to believe that my babies are in preschool!  Because of the hectic month of moving, it really came in handy that they got to go to school a couple of mornings a week.

And I am so happy that they have each other!

2012-09-04 11.36.38

1 comment:

Michele Garvin said...

Oh my sweet little twins! I can't believe ow much they have grown and how adorable they are. I remember back trying to hold them and feed them at the same time. I never quite got the system down, but Chars was the pro. So great foul they have each other too.