Tuesday, July 24, 2012


We celebrated Allie’s birthday at the beginning of the month.  I was particularly excited about this birthday because of a special surprise Paul and I had for her.  Turning 11 is a very big deal!

Because this was supposed to be our off year for friend birthday parties, we were just going to do something small, with maybe a friend or two.  However, in the days leading up to her birthday I could see some serious emotional issues going on with this soon to be birthday girl.  I couldn’t put my finger on it exactly.  It was just that I knew something was bothering her and it was showing in her overall attitude.  How could I tell, you wonder?  MODINESS!  What?  Isn’t that not to be for at least another year?  Apparently not!  Poor thing didn’t even know herself what was going on.  Finally on the day before her birthday, we had a really big blow up and everything came to a head.  I spent close to 45 minutes (much to her total dismay) sitting with her and trying to talk with her in her room. 

But we were finally able to talk about some of the things she was feeling and had a really good talk.  I feel like it was really important that this happened because I am POSITIVE that this is just the beginning of things to come.  Heck- there are still plenty of times that I can’t quite put my finger on why I am feeling certain ways.   It’s just the beginning for her.

So we put some plans in motion, called a small handful of friends, did a really late night run to Wal Mart for supplies and we got ready for a party.

We spent her birthday day getting everything ready for her party.  But not before she got her surprise.

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Allie opened one of the gifts and found a couple of pairs of pierced earrings.  She looked very confused because she doesn’t have her ears pierced and we had decided that the girls would wait until they were 12 before piercing them.

She kept looking at them and turning them over and was saying that they were cute but that she couldn’t wear them for a year.

That’s when I said,  “Or how about today?”

Cooper captured this picture of her face once she figured out the surprise.


Paul and I decided that since Allie will be starting middle school and because she has to wait until she is 12 to wear makeup, that this would be a good time to do the ears.

I am not sure if she was more surprised or more nervous!

Kara and I went with Allie to have her ears pierced. 

I love this video Kara took of her.  Especially the big breath she takes right at the end.

Right before she get’s her ears pierced.

Last shot of Allie with no earrings!IMG_7010

The Big Moment!IMG_7015

She did it!

A little watery eyes but other wise no issues!



I am so surprised at how I reacted.  She went from little girl to this pre teen in a matter of seconds.  Suddenly she looks so much older!  She is thrilled!

So after our Ear Piercing Escapade, we headed home to finish up our birthday party preparations.

If we had sent out invitations it would have said: “Allie’s turning 11 and we’re cooking up a party!”

The girls all made their own homemade personal pizzas.

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We were very fortunate to have my friend Rachel here to help with the party.  She is multi talented and so helpful and wonderful.

She played double duty at the party.  First she was Sous Chef Rachel.  Which is very appropriate because she is a really great cook.

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And the girls all got to make their own aprons.

That is when Seamstress Rachel assisted them.  Which is also very appropriate because she is great at sewing too!



Here’s our final product.


These two have been friends since they were 5.  One of them recently had a growth spurt! 


Cass loved hanging with the girls!IMG_7082

These three have been friends since the first day of Kindergarten.  I can’t believe we are about to send them to Middle School!IMG_7087 4x6

These are our ‘sister’ friends.  We have known their family for the last couple of years.  Kara and Alyssa were in first grade together.  And she actually shares the same birthday as Allie does.  We felt very honored that they came to celebrate with us.

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Kara got to have one friend come since we only did family time for her birthday. She picked out matching material so they could have twin aprons!

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Allie’s not a huge fan of cake so we went with Donuts!  EASY!


We planned on watching a movie outside but it was taking for ever to get dark.  We improvised by throwing it up on the wall and getting comfy with lots of pillows. 


Because her birthday is the day before the 4th of July, it was only natural to finish off our celebration with a few sparklers.

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The day was full of a little drama, excitement and fun- just like Allie!

Allie is such a sweet girl.  She is so motivated by people and relationships.  She makes friends easily and loves to play.  Her number one passion is music.  Allie went on a trip at the beginning of the summer and I didn’t realize how much she fills our home with music.  Whether it is singing, humming or whistling, she is ALWAYS making music.

To add to my point, she is singing in the other room right now as I type this post!

Allie is a great big sister and we are so glad that she is part of our family.

We love you Alls!


Amy Rindy said...

Hooray for pierced ears!! The party looks like it turned out fun, and the aprons are really cute. Good job, birthday mama! And good luck with the pre-teen emotions and drama. :)

Michele Garvin said...

Wow honey, this birthday looks amazing. I am at the chemo place and some of the nurses saw me looking at all of these cute pictures and they wanted to know what it was. They said, "you have a very talented daughter to do such a unique party for her daughter!". I had to whole heatedly Agree with them. I'm proud of you for going through all this work for your kids.

Tracy Garvin said...

Yay for pierce ears! She does look so grown up with them! Looks like a very fun birthday! I can't wait too see you guys in less than a month! P.s. Thanks for the comment on my blog post!

Anonymous said...

loving allie's bra strap