Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don’t you wish you had a twin too?

Once upon a time, Cooper swallowed a penny. 

Luckily it was a ‘clean’ swallow and it went right on down with out him choking him.

Not-so-Luckily, I got to spend the next 10 days going through his diapers.

I did it every day in hopes of finding a round foreign object.  Half way through this treasure hunting experience, I had to go to an over night youth conference. 

When I returned, I anxiously asked if anything had been discovered.  To my dismay, I learned that they had forgotten to look!  I continued looking for the remainder of the time, but found nothing.

So off to the doctors we went.

They heard some wheezing in his chest and so Cooper had to have a breathing treatment and they scheduled a x-ray.

When you’re 2 1/2, breathing treatments can be kind of scary.


Luckily, Cooper had a support team to get him through the ordeal.





He really needed her during the x-ray.  He did not like that experience.  At all. 

And then the real kicker-  No penny found in the x-ray.  That means that somewhere along the way he got rid of it on his own.

Which really is good news. 

I just wondered how many diapers I unnecessarily went through with a toothpick. 

Too descriptive?

1 comment:

Michele Garvin said...

Oh these pictures are sooooo adorable! Yes....everyone needs a twin!