Thursday, May 5, 2011

What’s that noise?

Have you ever closed your car door with the strap of the seat belt or the end of rope or backpack hanging out? 

Last week as I was driving to pick Allie and Kara up from school, I kept hearing a clanking noise coming from outside my door.  When I got to school,  I opened my door and checked to see what could be making the noise.  I couldn’t find anything.  I deducted that I must have closed something in the door and that by opening the door it fixed the situation.  So I sat back and waited for the girls to come out. 

A few minutes later, the girls came out and Kara walked up to my door.  She had a confused look on her face.  What was causing her to look so confused?

Perhaps this.


Apparently, the sound I heard as I drove 45+ mph down the road, was the other pair of car keys- hanging out of the lock on the door.  And, if you look closely, you will see that the key that is shoved in the lock- is the key to our mailbox.

Earlier in the day, Cooper and Cassidy had been playing with their bikes and had gone into the garage.  They came in and talked about “mommy’s car yocked”.  I didn’t think much of it.

Apparently I should have.

I think it’s even funnier that I checked to see what the noise was and didn’t see the keys.

I wonder what the guy next to me at the light thought.

I guess I should get the decal “Got Twins!”  Maybe that would serve as enough explanation.

1 comment:

Kyrstin said...

Haha that story just made my night!